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Cachaça is a made from fermented sugarcane. It is the most popular distilled alcoholic beverage in Brazil. The major difference between cachaça and rum is that rum is usually made from molasses, a by-product from refineries that boil the cane juice to extract as much sugar crystals as possible; and cachaça is made from fresh sugarcane juice that's fermented and distilled.


Founded in 1846, the 100% Brazilian company Ypioca is the biggest producer of cachaça. Among the main ingredients of this pioneer spirit are subtlety, tradition and strictness related to quality. Ypioca Cachaça Ouro (Gold) is aged for 2 years in balsam barrels. The handmade straw packaging is made by Brazilian craftswomen.


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Ypioca Cachaca Brazilian Rum

  • Rum

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